What wellness means to me.

What does Wellness mean to me?
Simply put, it means making yourself a priority. 

I’m going to elaborate.

Wellness is the ebb and flow of feeling good. 

Dare I say, the ebb and flow of living your best life. 

Wellness requires a multifaceted approach. 

First, you have to take your physical, mental, and emotional state into consideration. Assess and reassess because it is ever-evolving. Then, most importantly, you have to take daily action if there are changes you’d like to see.

  • Wellness takes work.
  • It takes time.
  • It takes conscious effort, and it takes commitment.

I promise you though – it’s worth it. 

You’re worth it.

Here are a few ways I’ve learned to practice wellness in my own life:

I move my body. 

It’s hard to always get the kind of workout in that I’d like with a busy schedule. Sometimes I do (yay!); Sometimes I don’t (bummer, but it’s ok). I make it a goal to at least MOVE in some way, shape, or form every day.

To get specific:

  • I walk my dog – I love you Cali Bear. 
  • I start my day with a few mobility exercises. 
  • I join in on a group class at E5 – New School Pilates and Body Control have found a special place in my heart. 
  • I blast some music and dance it out while doing laundry. 

2. Every day, I write down 5 things that I am grateful for. 

Sometimes we get caught up in the chaos of life and overlook all of the amazing things around us.

Even when it feels like the universe is giving you a real gut-punch, there is always so much to be grateful for.

The list is endless, you just have to be willing to take a look around. 

3. I practice Mindfulness 

I make time to be still. To breathe. To reflect. To pay attention to what my body and my mind are telling me. To remind myself to give as much kindness, compassion, and love to ME as I do to others. 

My absolute favorite time and place to do this is sunrise on the beach. Ugh, it just soothes my soul. 

But really, it can be done anywhere. You just need 5-10 minutes. 

4. Reiki 

This is something I’ve incorporated into my life somewhat recently.

It’s hard to explain exactly what it does and how it helps, but it works for me.

It allows me to release all kinds of emotions and energy that feels stuck. I always leave the session feeling lighter, refreshed, and more at peace. 

5. I gotta eat! 

I enjoy cooking and I enjoy eating home cooked food. Ideally, I’d do that for all of my meals throughout the week. 

The thing is, that’s just not realistic for me right now. I’ve accepted that in this current season, prepared food is the move for me. 

Not every meal – I cook when I can! But, in order for me to give my body the energy she needs, I supplement the home cooked meals with prepared foods. That could be take-out, a meal prep/delivery service, or what my Mom has ready for me when I pick up my babygirl Cali (Thanks Momma! You’re the best). 

I try to keep it as clean and nutritious as I can, and I don’t beat myself up for not being able to cook as much as I’d like to in this phase of my life. 


I find reasons to laugh. I surround myself with people who make me laugh.

Why? Because laughter is straight up magic. 

It relieves stress and anxiety. It boosts your mood. It strengthens your relationships. It even has physical health benefits, like improving heart health and your immune system. 

Also, because it is contagious. Seeing and hearing other people laugh fills my heart with so much joy. I love it. When you laugh, you’re not just helping yourself, you’re spreading your light and positive vibes to those around you. 

Shoot, I’ve even laughed so hard that my abs were sore the next day. I’ll take that as an added bonus! 

If there’s one thing you take away from this rant of mine, I hope it is this: Learn how to not take yourself (and life in general) too seriously. Laugh loud and laugh often! 

If these sound familiar, perhaps it’s because they align with our E5 approach to Whole Health. Also known as, Wellness. 

Movement. Mindset. Recovery. Nutrition. Community. 

These are each a piece of the puzzle. Or pie. Let’s go with pie because I’m a little hungry at the moment and pie is delicious. 

P.S. –  Give me a chocolate cream pie with a graham cracker crust, or a Dutch apple pie (the crumbly stuff on top is a must) and my food-driven happy dance will be in full effect. *wiggle wiggle*

Anyway… As I was saying, they’re each a piece of the pie. Sometimes, certain pieces will need a little more TLC than the others. Tune in and listen to what your mind and body are telling you. 

Make yourself a priority.

Give yourself the pieces of pie that you need. 

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